Bosch 5 Inch 8 Hole Hook and Loop Paint Sanding Discs 50 Pack

Bosch White 5 Inch 8 Hole Hook and Loop Paint Sanding Discs Grits 40 - 240 50 Pack
- Ideal for paint and finish removal or sanding softer materials
- Features aluminum oxide with special non-stick coating designed to eliminate the dust that often clogs other sandpapers rendering them ineffective
- 50 discs Pack
Bosch White 5 Inch 8 Hole Hook and Loop Paint Sanding Discs Grits 40 - 240 50 Pack
- Lasts up to four times longer than standard sandpaper
- Superior performance and long life
- Cleanly pre-punched with 6 or 8 holes for uniform dust extraction through the pad without creating unwanted swirl marks or scratches on the work surface
- Available in 5" or 6" discs with hook & loop backing
Available Grit
- 60 Grit
- 80 Grit
- 120 Grit
- 240 Grit
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General shipping InformationKeywords: quality, german, abrasives, sanding - grinding discs, hook - loop sanding discs, 05 inch discs, bosch, Bosch, White, Paint, Sanding, Discs, Grits, Ideal, paint, finish, removal, sanding, softer, materials, Features, aluminum, oxide, special, stick, coating, designed, eliminate, often, clogs, other, sandpapers, rendering, ineffective, discs
Description: Bosch White 5 Inch 8 Hole Hook and Loop Paint Sanding Discs Grits 40 - 240 50 Pack. Ideal for paint and finish removal or sanding softer materials. Features aluminum oxide with special non-stick coating designed to eliminate the dust that often clogs other sandpapers rendering them ineffective. 50 discs Pack.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding & Grinding Discs > Hook & Loop Sanding Discs > 05 Inch Discs
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories
SKU(s): 253234, 253237, 253240, 253244
MPN(s): SR5W065, SR5W085, SR5W125, SR5W245