Bosch 4 x 24 Inch Sanding Belts Grits 40 - 120

Bosch 4" x 24" Sanding Belts Grits 40 - 120
- Bi-directional sanding belts feature butt-splice construction for smooth running in both directions on belt sander
- Designed for superior performance on wood, metal, plastic, fiberglass and other materials
- 3 Pack or 10 Pack
Bosch 4" x 24" Sanding Belts Grits 40 - 120
- Open-coat aluminum oxide abrasive resists loading for high-removal rates and a great finish
- Double-resin bonding and x-weight backings provide durability and longer belt life
- Anti-static backing for highest removal and consistent finish
Quantity Grit Part Number 10 40 SB6R041 60 SB6R061 80 SB6R081 100 SB6R101 120 SB6R121 3 40 SB6R040 60 SB6R060 80 SB6R080 100 SB6R100 120 SB6R120
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General shipping InformationKeywords: quality, german, sanding belt, bosch, abrasives, sanding belts, 1-1-8 to 5 inch wide, Bosch, Sanding, Belts, Grits, directional, sanding, belts, feature, splice, construction, smooth, running, directions, sander, Designed, superior, performance, metal, plastic, fiberglass, other, materials
Description: Bosch 4" x 24" Sanding Belts Grits 40 - 120. Bi-directional sanding belts feature butt-splice construction for smooth running in both directions on belt sander. Designed for superior performance on wood, metal, plastic, fiberglass and other materials. 3 Pack or 10 Pack.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding Belts > 1-1/8 To 5 Inch Wide
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories
SKU(s): 253065, 253067, 253069, 253071
MPN(s): SB6R060, SB6R080, SB6R100, SB6R120