Bosch 1-5/8 Inch Nutsetters

Bosch 1-5/8" Nutsetters
- Ideal for fast, easy driving of nuts, bolts and hex head screws
- Rugged single-piece construction provides long life under constant use
- The precision formed tip ensures a proper fit
Bosch 1-5/8" Nutsetters
- Magnetic shaft holds fastener securely
- Universal 1/4" hex shank with power groove
- Available in sizes 3/8" and 5/16"
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General shipping InformationKeywords: quality, german, power tools, accessories, screwdriver bits, bosch, Bosch, Nutsetters, Ideal, driving, bolts, screws, Rugged, single, piece, construction, provides, under, constant, precision, formed, ensures, proper
Description: Bosch 1-5/8" Nutsetters. Ideal for fast, easy driving of nuts, bolts and hex head screws. Rugged single-piece construction provides long life under constant use. The precision formed tip ensures a proper fit.
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Screwdriver Bits
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories
SKU(s): 252524, 252527
MPN(s): NS3801, NS51601