Bosch Bi-Metal Power Change Hole Saw Mandrels

Bosch Bi-Metal Power Change Hole Saw Mandrels
- Power Change bi-metal hold saw system mandrels
- Positive lock design minimizes wobble
- Hex shank pilot bit easily pushes out plug
Bosch Bi-Metal Power Change Hole Saw Mandrels
- Heavy-duty hex shank easily snaps into mandrel
- Progressor tooth geometry for super-fast cutting action
- Featuring Progressor Tooth Geometry, combining cutting teeth with specially designed chip-removal teeth for super-fast cutting action in metal and wood
- Mandrels sized 7/16", 3/8" or for SDS-Plusl
- For all hole saws sized 9/16
Available Mandrel
- 7/16"
- 3/8"
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General shipping InformationKeywords: quality, german, power tools, accessories, hole saw mandrels - adapters, bosch, Bosch, Metal, Power, Change, Mandrels, metal, system, mandrels, Positive, design, minimizes, wobble, shank, pilot, easily, pushes
Description: Bosch Bi-Metal Power Change Hole Saw Mandrels. Power Change bi-metal hold saw system mandrels. Positive lock design minimizes wobble. Hex shank pilot bit easily pushes out plug.
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Hole Saw Mandrels & Adapters
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories
SKU(s): 252599, 252601, 252605