Bosch HA1031 SDS-Max to Spline Adapter

Bosch HA1031 SDS-Max to Spline Adapter
- Convert your SDS-Max Hammer to accept spline bits
- Inserts into rotary hammer as though it is an SDS bit
- Easy to use
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General shipping InformationKeywords: quality, german, power tools, accessories, hammer and hammer drill accessories, bosch, Bosch, HA1031, Spline, Adapter, Convert, Hammer, accept, spline, Inserts, rotary, hammer, though
Description: Bosch HA1031 SDS-Max to Spline Adapter. Convert your SDS-Max Hammer to accept spline bits. Inserts into rotary hammer as though it is an SDS bit. Easy to use.
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Hammer and Hammer Drill Accessories
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories
SKU(s): 251716
MPN(s): HA1031