Bosch GTL3 Wall and Floor Covering Laser

Bosch GTL3 Wall/Floor Covering Laser
- Projects 90 degree Lines for Squaring
- Laser lines are positioned in front of laser base for easy centering over point and precise adjustment
- Includes Wall/Floor Covering Laser, Laser Target, Belt Pouch, Positioning Plate, and Batteries
Bosch GTL3 Wall/Floor Covering Laser
- Bright Highly Visible Laser Lines
- Raised from the surface to project over uneven surfaces and are clear, sharp, and very precise for all tile and wall/floor covering surfaces
- Water and Dustproof - To ensure years of dependable operation (certified at IP54)
- Select 0 and 90 Degrees Lines Plus Optional 45 Degree Layout Line - At the press of a button
- This provides 0, 45, 90, and 135 layout from a single set up
- Magnet Attachment - Strong magnets on bottom of tool provide secure attachment on positioning plate and other ferrous-metal surfaces
- Specifications
- Accuracy: Up to +/- 1/16 in per 20-ft (+/- 1/8 in per 20-ft between 45 degree and 90 degree lines)
- Dimensions: 6.125 x 4 x 3.875
- Laser Diode: Class II 635 nm, = 1 mW
- Range: Up to 65-ft
- Weight (lbs.): 1.1 lbs.
- Includes
- Wall/Floor Covering Laser
- (1) Laser Target
- (1) Belt Pouch
- (1) Versatile Steel Positioning Plate
- (4) AA 1.5V Batteries
- Works With
- DLA001 Laser View Enhancing Glasses
- DLA002 Laser View Enhancing Target Plate
- R60 Digital Level Attachment
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General shipping InformationKeywords: quality, german, power tools, jobsite tools, leveling - alignment, bosch, Bosch, Floor, Covering, Laser, Projects, degree, Lines, Squaring, lines, positioned, front, laser, centering, point, precise, adjustment, Includes, Target, Pouch, Positioning, Plate, Batteries
Description: Bosch GTL3 Wall/Floor Covering Laser. Projects 90 degree Lines for Squaring. Laser lines are positioned in front of laser base for easy centering over point and precise adjustment. Includes Wall/Floor Covering Laser, Laser Target, Belt Pouch, Positioning Plate, and Batteries.
Categories: Power Tools > Jobsite Tools > Leveling & Alignment
Google Category: Hardware > Tools
SKU(s): 257337
MPN(s): GTL3