Dremel 7150 Diamond Point Bit Set

Dremel 7150 Diamond Point Bit Set
- Set of (1) 7103 ball point and (1) 7144 taper point diamond bits
- For fine detail work, cutting, engraving, carving, touch-up and finishing
- Set of 2 Diamond Wheel Points
Dremel 7150 Diamond Point Bit Set
- Use on wood, jade, ceramic, glass, hardened steel, semi-precious stones and other hard materials
- Bits are covered with diamond particles
- Shank diameter 3/32"
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General shipping InformationKeywords: bosch, dremel, cutting, sanding, grinding, sharpening, multipurpose, planer, power tools, accessories, multi-purpose tool accessories, dremel rotary, cutting - routing bits, Dremel, Diamond, Point, point, taper, diamond, detail, engraving, carving, touch, finishing, Wheel, Points
Description: Dremel 7150 Diamond Point Bit Set. Set of (1) 7103 ball point and (1) 7144 taper point diamond bits. For fine detail work, cutting, engraving, carving, touch-up and finishing. Set of 2 Diamond Wheel Points.
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Multi-Purpose Tool Accessories > Dremel Rotary > Cutting & Routing Bits
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories
SKU(s): 254378
MPN(s): 7150