AirVantage Palm Style 3 Inch Buffer Polisher Rotary Sander

AirVantage Palm Style 3 Inch Buffer Polisher Rotary Sander
Airvantage Sander, polisher sander
Non vacuum combination buffer, polisher, and rotary sander
All sanders come with a 2-3/4 inch grip
3" 5/16-24 male pad attachment
Motor Pad Size Air Flow Weight Height Length Pad Choice Model 0.28 hp (209w) 3" (77mm) 17 scfm (481 lpm) 1.5 lbs (0.68kg) 3.7" (95mm) 4.9" (124mm) Vinyl for PSA 030400 Hook Loop 030401
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General shipping InformationKeywords: sander, sanding, discs, automotive, cabintes, abrasive, airvantage, buffer, buffers, car, cheap, economical, finish, inch, orbital, palm, polisher, power, rotary, sanders, style, tools, dynabrade, pneumatic, power tools, rotary-orbital sanders, 3- diameter, AirVantage, Style, Buffer, Polisher, Rotary, Sander, Airvantage, vacuum, combination, attachment
Description: AirVantage Palm Style 3 Inch Buffer Polisher Rotary Sander. Airvantage Sander, polisher sander. Non vacuum combination buffer, polisher, and rotary sander. All sanders come with a 2-3/4 inch grip. 3" 5/16-24 male pad attachment.
Categories: Power Tools > Sanders > Rotary/Orbital Sanders > 3" Diameter
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Sanders
SKU(s): 245885, 245886
MPN(s): 30400, 30401