Sia Abrasive Belts 36 Inch

Abrasive Belts 36 Inch by Sia

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1 Belt

TopTec Belt Technology

Available Belts

Series # Series Name Description Length Grit Seam Type Item Number
2829 Siaron Waterproof - use on wet and dry applications. Grinding on wood, steel, stainless, high alloys and non-ferrous metals such as aluminum. Very high performance and durability. Active grinding agents in size coat reduce glazing and prolong lifetime. Zirconia / Aluminum oxide grain. Y weight polyester cloth 60" 80 Straight 8982.1123.0080
2925 Sialox Deburring and edges breaking. Smooth grinding of weld seams. Treatment of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Flat grinding of sheets. Grinding down plastic protrusions. Aluminum oxide grain. X or Y weight mixed fabric cloth 48" 150 Straight 4496.1873.0150
60" 60 Straight 7975.3111.0060
150 Straight 1120.4616.0150
75" 60 Straight 6225.5001.0060
2928 Siaral More aggressive than 2920. Flush sanding of edges and rabbets. Fine sanding of surfaces and edges. Coarse to fine sanding in plywood production. Coarse to fine sanding of glued soft/hardwood boards. Sanding off old varnish and paint. Aluminum oxide grain. X weight cotton cloth 75" 36 Waved 2458.6974.0036
40 Straight 6285.9411.0040
50 Straight 6285.9411.0050
Waved 7732.5741.0050
60 Straight 6285.9411.0060
80 Waved 1634.6027.0080
100 Straight 9356.2133.0100
120 Waved 1634.6027.0120
103" 100 Straight 8894.9427.0100
Waved 7135.8875.0100
1749 Siaral TopTec Premium product for final finishes on all wood applications. Intermediate sanding on sealers and lacquers. Innovative TopTec anti-static assures clean work environment. Stationary belt machine sanding on wood, sealer and lacquer, MDF and composites. Silicon carbide grain. F weight paper 75" 180 Lap 1723.4528.0180
220 Lap 1723.4528.0220
103" 120 Lap 7114.8987.0120
1919 Siawood TopTec Premium product for quality finishes on all wood applications. Innovative TopTec anti-static assures clean work environment. Stationary belt machine sanding on wood, sealer and lacquer. Aluminum oxide grain. F weight paper 60" 150 Lap 7164.3037.0150
75" 40 Lap 5414.4927.0040
60 Lap 5414.4927.0060
80 Lap 5414.4927.0080
100 Lap 5414.4927.0100
120 Lap 5414.4927.0120
150 Lap 5414.4927.0150
180 Lap 5414.4927.0180
220 Lap 5414.4927.0220
240 Lap 5414.4927.0240
280 Lap 5414.4927.0280
320 Lap 5414.4927.0320
400 Lap 5414.4927.0400
500 Lap 5414.4927.0500
600 Lap 5414.4927.0600
2920 Siawood TopTec Hand machine and stationary belt machine sanding on hard and soft woods. Open coating prevents loading. Strong X-weight backing for good performance. TopTec technology. Aluminum oxide grain. X or Y weight cotton cloth 60" 120 Waved 7910.0040.0120
75" 24 Straight 6117.5733.0024
36 Waved 2290.3763.0036
40 Straight 6117.5733.0040
50 Straight 6117.5733.0050
60 Straight 6117.5733.0060
80 Waved 1466.2349.0080
100 Lap 4049.5499.0100
120 Lap 4049.5499.0120
150 Lap 4049.5499.0150
180 Straight 9230.5119.0180
220 Straight 9230.5119.0220
103" 60 Waved 3097.6563.0060

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