Sia Abrasive Belts 13 Inch

This product has been replaced by the following product:
Sia Abrasive Belts 13" x Various Lengths
High performance quality abrasive belts
Swiss-made with precision
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Available Belts
Series # Series Name Description Length Grit Seam Type Item Number 2925 Sialox Deburring and edges breaking. Smooth grinding of weld seams. Treatment of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Flat grinding of sheets. Grinding down plastic protrusions. Aluminum oxide grain. X or Y weight mixed fabric cloth 60" 180 Straight 3060.7414.0180 2936 Siatur Hand and stationary belt machine sanding on hard and soft woods, as well as wood related products. Very flexible JJ-cloth backing makes product very suitable for profile sanding applications. Very good and consistent performance. Aluminum oxide grain. JJ weight cotton cloth 107" 120 Lap 9439.7660.0120
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 241084, 3060-7414-0180, 9439-7660-0120, abrasive, abrasives, belts, carborundum, gold, inch, mercer, mid, mirka, norton, sia, width, sanding belts, 6 to 14 inch wide, Abrasive, Belts, Various, Lengths, performance, quality, Swiss, precision, about, other, sizes, types, Prices, increase
Description: Sia Abrasive Belts 13" x Various Lengths. High performance quality abrasive belts. Swiss-made with precision. Ask us about other sizes and types of belts. Prices increase with size. 1 Belt.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding Belts > 6 To 14 inch Wide
Google Category: Business & Industrial > Manufacturing
SKU(s): 241084, 245539
MPN(s): 3060.7414.0180, 9439.7660.0120