Sia 6140 Nonwoven Super Duty Fibral 33 1/2 Inch 22 Yard Roll

Sia 6140 Siafleece Nonwoven Super Duty Fibral 33-1/2" 22 Yard Roll
Aluminum oxide or silicon carbide grain embedded in nylon fleece
Grain finishing on stainless steel - matte finish
22 Yard Roll
Sia 6140 Siafleece Nonwoven Super Duty Fibral 33-1/2" 22 Yard Roll
- Satin finishing on non-ferrous metals
- Preparation for coating and plating
Available Grades
- Super Duty Fine
- Super Duty Very Fine
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 1-2, 6140, 6482-5396-5911, 6482-5396-6911, abrasives, carborundum, duty, fibral, gold, inch, mercer, mirka, nonwoven, norton, roll, rolls, sheets, sia, super, wide, yard, sanding sheet rolls, 20- inch wide abrasives, scuffing pads - compounds, Siafleece, Nonwoven, Super, Fibral, Aluminum, oxide, silicon, carbide, grain, embedded, nylon, fleece, Grain, finishing, stainless, steel, matte, finish
Description: Sia 6140 Siafleece Nonwoven Super Duty Fibral 33-1/2" 22 Yard Roll. Aluminum oxide or silicon carbide grain embedded in nylon fleece. Grain finishing on stainless steel - matte finish. 22 Yard Roll.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding Sheet Rolls > 20+ Inch Wide; Abrasives > Scuffing Pads & Compounds > Rolls
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 245802, 245803
MPN(s): 6482.5396.5911, 6482.5396.6911