Sia 1727 Siawat FC Hook and Loop Discs 4 Inch Discs Grits 80 - 600

Sia 1727 Siawat FC Waterproof 4" Hook and Loop Discs with 1/2" Center Hole
Silicon carbide grain on C-weight latex paper
Sanding of filler, primer, lacquer, glass, and stone
Product can be used wet or dry
Excellent Product for polishing counter Tops, Granite, Marble, and Engineered stone,
Box of 100 Discs
1/2 Inch Harbor hole
Available Grits
- 80 Grit
- 150 Grit
- 320 Grit
- 400 Grit
- 600 Grit
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General shipping InformationKeywords: granite, quartz, marble, sabding, polishing, 4x1-2, 80-600, 80600, abrasives, carborundum, discs, gold, grits, hook, inch, loop, mercer, mirka, norton, sia, siaw, sanding - grinding discs, hook - loop sanding discs, 04 inch discs, Siawat, Waterproof, Discs, Center, Silicon, carbide, grain, weight, latex, paper, Sanding, filler, primer, lacquer, glass, stone, Product, Excellent, counter, Granite, Marble, Engineered, Harbor
Description: Sia 1727 Siawat FC Waterproof 4" Hook and Loop Discs with 1/2" Center Hole. Silicon carbide grain on C-weight latex paper. Sanding of filler, primer, lacquer, glass, and stone. Product can be used wet or dry. Excellent Product for polishing counter Tops, Granite, Marble, and Engineered stone,. Box of 100 Discs. 1/2 Inch Harbor hole.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding & Grinding Discs > Hook & Loop Sanding Discs > 04 Inch Discs
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 242940, 242941, 242942, 242943, 242944
MPN(s): 0145.3051.0080, 0145.3051.0150, 0145.3051.0320, 0145.3051.0400, 0145.3051.0600