Sia Hook and Loop Backup Pads for 1815 Siatop Discs

Sia 9093 Hook and Loop 1815 Siatop Backup Pads
For 1815 Siatop discs
Hook and Loop attachment
5/8"-11 arbor
Available Sizes
- 4-1/2" x 5/8" -11 (0020.0180)
- 5" x 5/8"-11 (0319.6151.0000)
- 6" x 5/8"-11 (0868.8096.0000)
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 0020-0180, 0319-6151-0000, 0868-8096-0000, 1815, 242319, 242344, 242348, abrasives, accessories, backup, discs, hook, loop, pads, sia, siatop, backup pads and protectors, for 4- systems abrasives, for 5- systems, non-vacuum abrasives, for 6- systems, non-vacuum, Siatop, Backup, attachment, arbor
Description: Sia 9093 Hook and Loop 1815 Siatop Backup Pads. For 1815 Siatop discs. Hook and Loop attachment. 5/8"-11 arbor.
Categories: Abrasives > Backup Pads and Protectors > For 4" Systems; Abrasives > Backup Pads and Protectors > For 5" Systems > Non-Vacuum; Abrasives > Backup Pads and Protectors > For 6" Systems > Non-Vacuum
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories
SKU(s): 242319, 242344, 242348
MPN(s): 0020.0180, 0319.6151.0000, 0868.8096.0000