QEP Vitrex Suction Cup

QEP Vitrex A09750 Suction Cup
For easy handling of non-porous tile, marble and glass during installation
Holds up to 12 lbs
Suction cup pad is 4-1/2" in diameter
3-1/2" wide handle opening easily accommodates large hands
QEP Vitrex A09750 Suction Cup
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 172373, a09750, ceramic, cup, qep, suction, tile, tools, vitrex, hand tools - equipment, tile tools, suction cups, Vitrex, A09750, Suction, handling, porous, marble, glass, during, installation, Holds, diameter, handle, opening, easily, accommodates, large, hands
Description: QEP Vitrex A09750 Suction Cup. For easy handling of non-porous tile, marble and glass during installation. Holds up to 12 lbs. Suction cup pad is 4-1/2" in diameter. 3-1/2" wide handle opening easily accommodates large hands. QEP Vitrex A09750 Suction Cup.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Tile Tools > Suction Cups
Google Category: Hardware > Tools
SKU(s): 172373
MPN(s): A09750