QEP Vitrex Heavy Duty GT Tile Nipper

This product has been replaced by the following product:
Barwalt 70316 Ultrabite Tile Nipper

Barwalt 70316 Ultrabite Ceramic Tile Nipper
- Diamond precision ground carbide of finest quality
- 1/3 less compressive force required
- 1/2 the weight of typical GT style nippers
- Cushioned sleeve handles
- Design provides more comfort, more control, less fatigue
- Stainless steel bearing - no rust, less oiling
QEP Vitrex A09690 Heavy Duty GT Tile Nipper
QEP Vitrex A09690 Heavy Duty GT Tile Nipper
Premium quality 8 Inch carbide tipped GT Tile Nipper
Drop-forged steel
- 5/8" offset jaws
- Center spring action improves feel and action
- Cushioned grip
- Comfortable contoured handles are curved for high leverage
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General shipping InformationKeywords: qep, a09690, ceramic, duty, heavy, nipper, tile, tools, vitrex, hand tools - equipment, tile tools, tile nippers, Vitrex, A09690, Heavy, Nipper, Premium, quality, carbide, tipped, forged, steel
Description: QEP Vitrex A09690 Heavy Duty GT Tile Nipper. QEP Vitrex A09690 Heavy Duty GT Tile Nipper. Premium quality 8 Inch carbide tipped GT Tile Nipper. Drop-forged steel.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Tile Tools > Tile Nippers
Google Category: Hardware > Tools
SKU(s): 172366
MPN(s): A09690