QEP Vitrex A09267 Tile Cutter 12 Inch

This product has been replaced by the following product:
QEP Vitrex A09272 Tile Cutter 16 Inch

QEP Vitrex A09272 16" Tile Cutter
Cuts wall and floor tile up to 16" and 11" diagonally
Equipped with a long-lasting 1/2" Tungsten Carbide cutting wheel
Dual chrome-plated heavy duty steel rails ensure smooth scoring
Replacement wheel: A09010
QEP Vitrex A09272 16" Tile Cutter
QEP Vitrex A09267 12" Tile Cutter
Cuts wall and floor tile up to 12", 8" diagonally
Lightweight, compact and easy to use
QEP Vitrex A09267 12" Tile Cutter
- The homeowner's choice for floor and wall projects
- Equipped with long lasting 1/2" tungsten carbide cutting wheel
- Replacement wheel: A09010
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 172345, 172348, a09010, a09267, ceramic, cutter, inch, qep, tile, tools, vitrex, hand tools - equipment, tile tools, tile cutters, Vitrex, A09267, Cutter, floor, diagonally, Lightweight, compact
Description: QEP Vitrex A09267 12" Tile Cutter. Cuts wall and floor tile up to 12", 8" diagonally. Lightweight, compact and easy to use.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Tile Tools > Tile Cutters
Google Category: Hardware > Tools
SKU(s): 172345, 172348
MPN(s): A09010, A09267