QEP Profile Wheels 6 Inch or 8 Inch

QEP Profile Wheels - 6" or 8"
Ideal for shaping the edges of tile, porcelain, marble, granite, or limestone
5/8" arbor
6" or 8" wheels
Available Blades
Item No. Description Radius Arbor Size 6-6012PW 6" Profile Wheel 1/2" 5/8" 6-8038PW 8" Profile Wheel 3/8" 5/8"
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 172311, 172322, 6-6012pw, 6-8038pw, blades, inch, power, profile, qep, saw, tools, wheels, power tools, circular saw blades, Profile, Wheels, Ideal, shaping, edges, porcelain, marble, granite, limestone, arbor
Description: QEP Profile Wheels - 6" or 8". Ideal for shaping the edges of tile, porcelain, marble, granite, or limestone. 5/8" arbor. 6" or 8" wheels.
Categories: Power Tools > Blades > Circular Saw Blades
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Tool Blades > Saw Blades
SKU(s): 172311, 172322
MPN(s): 6-6012PW, 6-8038PW