QEP Standard Square Notched Trowels 16 Inch

QEP 16" Standard Square Notched Trowels
16" Square Notched Trowels
Always check adhesive/mortar manufacturer's trowel recommendations before selecting a trowel notch
All Trowels Measure: Width x Depth x Space Apart
Available Trowels
Notch Measurement Description Trowels A8 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/4" Thinset application of ceramic tile 8"x 8" or smaller, laminated wood plank flooring, flat milled solid and shorts, or plywood 49915 49713 10113 49725 B3 1/4" x 3/8" x 1/4" Thinset application of ceramic tile from 8" x 8" up to 16"x 16" 49916 49714 10114 49726 C9 1/2" x 1/2" x 1/2" Thinset or medium bed mortar application of natural stone, quarry tile, pavers, saltillo and ceramic tiles 12"x 12" and larger 49919 49720 10120 49727
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 172297, 172298, 172299, 49725, 49726, 49727, ceramic, inch, notched, qep, square, standard, tile, tools, trowels, hand tools - equipment, notched trowels, Standard, Square, Notched, Trowels, Always, check, adhesive, mortar, manufacturer, trowel, recommendations, before, selecting, notch, Measure, Width, Depth, Space, Apart
Description: QEP 16" Standard Square Notched Trowels. 16" Square Notched Trowels. Always check adhesive/mortar manufacturer's trowel recommendations before selecting a trowel notch. All Trowels Measure: Width x Depth x Space Apart.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Trowels > Notched Trowels
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Masonry Tools > Masonry Trowels
SKU(s): 172297, 172298, 172299
MPN(s): 49725, 49726, 49727