QEP Brutus 61205 Super Mixer Paddle

QEP Brutus 61205 Super Mixer Paddle
Preferred by professionals for fast and easy mixing of grouts, thinsets and other setting materials
Fits standard 1/2" or 3/8" drill chuck
- Shaft diameter 3/8"
- Length 22"
- Blade width 5"
- Chrome-plated for easy clean up
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 172225, 61205, brutus, ceramic, grout, mixer, paddle, power, qep, super, tile, tools, power tools, accessories, mixer blades and parts, Brutus, Super, Mixer, Paddle, Preferred, professionals, mixing, grouts, thinsets, other, setting, materials, standard, drill, chuck
Description: QEP Brutus 61205 Super Mixer Paddle. Preferred by professionals for fast and easy mixing of grouts, thinsets and other setting materials. Fits standard 1/2" or 3/8" drill chuck.
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Mixer Blades and Parts
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Cutters > Tile & Shingle Cutters
SKU(s): 172225
MPN(s): 61205