QEP Premium Gum Rubber Grout Float

QEP Gum Rubber Grout Float 10061 (9-1/2" x 4") or 10063 (12" x 4")
Premium gum rubber laminated to lightweight, closed cell core
Built to last
Two size choices
Available Sizes
- 12" x 4" Grout Float
- 9-1/2" x 4" Grout Float
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 10061, 10063, 172124, 172126, float, floats, grout, gum, qep, rubber, tools, hand tools - equipment, trowels, Rubber, Grout, Float, Premium, laminated, lightweight, closed, Built, choices
Description: QEP Gum Rubber Grout Float 10061 (9-1/2" x 4") or 10063 (12" x 4"). Premium gum rubber laminated to lightweight, closed cell core. Built to last. Two size choices.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Trowels > Floats
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Masonry Tools > Floats
SKU(s): 172124, 172126
MPN(s): 10061, 10063