Jost Superpad P 3 Inch 100 - 500 Grit Sanding Discs

Superpad P 3 Inch 100 - 500 Grit Sanding Discs by Jost Abrasives


Jost SuperPad P 3 Inch 100 - 500 Grit Sanding Discs

Jost SuperPad P - 3 Inch Sanding Pad

Box of 25 Hook and Loop Sanding Pads

Made in Germany

508-A (100, 120, 150, 180, 220, 240, 280, 320, 400, 500) Grits

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Innovation for the Future of Sanding

Unlike ordinary sanding pads, Jost Useit Superpad P discs are perforated across the entire surface!These carefully designed holes allow vacuum systems to permanently remove dust across the entire surface of the disc! The special patented velcro-style backing of the pad allows efficient dust removal without requiring a special 50-60 hole backing pad! Any 6, 8 or other hole backing pad will efficiently remove dust with this special design! Dust will not clog or "pill" in the center like other inferior common pads.

Even without the use of vacuum, the Jost useit Superpad P revolutionary design will remove dust from your work and prevent the clogging that wastes time and reduces sanding quality!Jost useit Superpad P discs last up to four times longer than ordinary perforated sanding discs, especially in the finer grits!In an age where time is money, these discs shorten your sanding time and costs to greatly improve efficiency and quality.

Jost useit Superpad P discs were designed to replace every type of ordinary abrasive disc on the market to include gold or platinum no-hole, 3-hole, 5-hole, 6-hole, 8-hole and net-type abrasives!Superpad P discs are particularly superior to mesh or net-type abrasives that offer similar dust removal but half the abrasive surface area! Jost useit Superpad discs are by far the best general-purpose sanding pad available!

  • Revolutionary design provides superior sanding quality and longevity.
  • The finest and highest quality general purpose disc available.
  • Superior clogging resistance - discs last up to 4 times longer.
  • Replaces most any gold or general purpose abrasives discs.
  • Can be used with all velcro-grip-type backing pads with or without vacuum.
  • Superior to "xxxx-net" or mesh type abrasives.

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