Norton Molding Tape Adhesion Promoter

Norton Molding Tape Adhesion Promoter
Liquid primer that improves the adhesion of Norton automotive attachment tapes
Interior or exterior
Works for injection molded and/or plastics
118ml Can
Liquid primer that improves the adhesion of Norton automotive attachment tapes
Interior or exterior
Works for injection molded and/or plastics (TPO, PPO, PP, PG, PC and ABS)
118ml (4 oz) Brushtop Can
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 201259, 67380, abrasives, adhesion, carborundum, molding, promoter, tape, adhesive, painting-automotive supplies, paint compounds painting-automotive supplies, carborundum abrasives, Norton, Molding, Adhesion, Promoter, Liquid, primer, improves, automotive, attachment, tapes, Interior, exterior, Works, injection, molded, plastics, 118ml
Description: Norton Molding Tape Adhesion Promoter. Liquid primer that improves the adhesion of Norton automotive attachment tapes. Interior or exterior. Works for injection molded and/or plastics. 118ml Can.
Categories: Painting/Automotive Supplies > Paint Compounds; Painting/Automotive Supplies > Tape
Google Category: Vehicles & Parts > Automotive Care
SKU(s): 201274
MPN(s): 05539567380-3