Carborundum Fibratex Nonwoven Scuff Discs 6 Inch

Carborundum Fibratex Nonwoven Scuff Discs 6 Inch
Use on a D/A with a hook & loop back-up pad
Can be used wet or dry
Package of 10 Discs
- Easily conforms to irregular surfaces
- Non-woven nylon
- Resists tearing
- Advanced coating process
- Consistent coverage of grain throughout pad
- Perforated
- Easy pad re-sizing
- Maroon: Fine Primer Prep
- Quick and aggressive cut
- Tear-resistant
- Gray: Very Fine Color Prep
- Works with or without Scuff Gel
- Quick cut, uniform finish
- Incredibly flexible yet tear-resistant
Available Discs
- Maroon
- Grey
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 201207, 20484, 20485, carborundum, discs, fibratex, grey, inch, maroon, mirka, nonwoven, norton, scotchbrite, scuff, sia, abrasives, scuffing pads - compounds, carborundum abrasives, Carborundum, Fibratex, Nonwoven, Scuff, Discs, Package
Description: Carborundum Fibratex Nonwoven Scuff Discs 6 Inch. Use on a D/A with a hook & loop back-up pad. Can be used wet or dry. Package of 10 Discs.
Categories: Abrasives > Scuffing Pads & Compounds > Discs
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 201207, 201208
MPN(s): 20484, 20485