Sia Mounted Flapwheels 2 Inch Grits 40 - 320

Sia Mounted Flapwheels 2 Inch Grits 40 - 320
1/4" spindle will fit most 1/4" tools
2" diameter by 1" thick
Package of 10
Sia Mounted Flapwheels 2" x 1" x 1/4"
- Long lasting
- Produces consistent finish
- For use on flat or contoured surfaces
Available Grits
- 40 Grit
- 60 Grit
- 80 Grit
- 120 Grit
- 320 Grit
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 1-4, 120, 1inch, 2inch, 7640-7938-0060, 7640-7938-0080, 7640-7938-0120, abrasive, diameter, fit, flapwheels, grit, grits, inch, joest, jost, mirka, most, mounted, package, sia, spindle, thick, tools, abrasives, flap wheels, Mounted, Flapwheels, Grits, Package
Description: Sia Mounted Flapwheels 2 Inch Grits 40 - 320. 1/4" spindle will fit most 1/4" tools. 2" diameter by 1" thick. Package of 10.
Categories: Abrasives > Flap Wheels
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 220480, 220481, 220482, 245432, 245433
MPN(s): 7640.7938.0040, 7640.7938.0060, 7640.7938.0080, 7640.7938.0120, 7640.7938.0320