Sia Spectrum Gray Blending Unitized Wheels

Sia Spectrum Gray Steel Weld Blending Unitized Wheels
- Sia Spectrum Wheels - GRAY
- Wheels for blending of welds and deburring
- Various sizes available
- Package size varies - See Below
Sia 6420 Spectrum Unitized Wheels
Spectrum Wheels contain SIlicon Carbide and are uniquely color coded for ease of use - each color precisely identifies the type of finish provided.
Available Sizes
- 3" x 1/4" x 1/4" hole (20 per box)
- 6" x 1/4" x 7/8" hole (8 per box)
- Thicker 6" x 1/2" x 7/8" hole (4 per box)
- 2" x 1/4" with button mount (60 per box)
- 3" x 1/4" with button mount (20 per box)
GRAY: Blending
- Blending of pits on cast parts
- Blending and refining surfaces of jet blade airfoils
- Blending parting lines from cast jet blades and vanes
- Blending stainless steel surgical instruments, mill marks, and machine mismatches
- Removing weld discoloration to give a satin finish
- Stainless steel fillet weld removal from tubular fabrications
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 1-2, 1-4, 5999-2079, 5999-2103, 5999-2108, 5999-2169, 5999-2193, 6420, 7-8, abrasive, available, blending, button, deburring, gray, joest, jost, mirka, mount, pack, package, sia, abrasives, unitized and convolute wheels, Spectrum, Steel, Blending, Unitized, Wheels, welds, Various, sizes, Package, varies, Below
Description: Sia Spectrum Gray Steel Weld Blending Unitized Wheels. Sia Spectrum Wheels - GRAY. Wheels for blending of welds and deburring. Various sizes available. Package size varies - See Below.
Categories: Abrasives > Unitized and Convolute Wheels
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 220390, 220391, 220392, 220401, 220402
MPN(s): 5999.2079, 5999.2103, 5999.2108, 5999.2169, 5999.2193