Sia 6250 Surface Conditioning Machine Locking Discs 2 Inch

Sia 6250 Surface Conditioning Machine Locking Discs 2 Inch
- Designed for Machine Operation with Type 2 or Type 3 Locking Center
- Fibral Surface Conditioning Material 2" Discs
- Package of 50
Sia 6250 Surface Conditioning Material Machine Locking Discs
Available Grades
- Coarse
- Medium
- Very Fine
Available Center Types
- Grain: Aluminum Oxide
- Stiffness adds to the aggression of the coarser grade discs
- Ideal for pre-paint operations on carbon steel
- Coarser grade discs great for light stock removal and grind line removal on stainless steel
- Finer grade discs are excellent finishing products on stainless steel
- Remove surface imperfections
- Generate the required finish in one operation
- Produce clean, smooth, burr-free surfaces
- Refine grind lines in fewer steps than coated abrasives
- Provide a unique combination of aggression, finish and life
- Give a consistent, repeatable finish
- Replace traditionally used products such as coated abrasives and wire brushes
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 1775-8655-2922, 1775-8655-4922, 1775-8655-6922, 2544-2968-2922, 2544-2968-4922, 2544-2968-6922, 6250, abrasive, center, coarse, conditioning, designed, discs, fibral, fine, grades, inch, joest, jost, locking, machine, material, medium, mirka, abrasives, sanding - grinding discs, locking discs, 2 inch closeout, sia, Surface, Conditioning, Machine, Locking, Discs, Designed, Operation, Center, Fibral, Material, Package
Description: Sia 6250 Surface Conditioning Machine Locking Discs 2 Inch. Designed for Machine Operation with Type 2 or Type 3 Locking Center. Fibral Surface Conditioning Material 2" Discs. Package of 50.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding & Grinding Discs > Locking Discs > 2 Inch; Closeout > Abrasives
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 220307, 220315, 220316, 220320, 220322, 220323
MPN(s): 1775.8655.2922, 1775.8655.4922, 1775.8655.6922, 2544.2968.2922, 2544.2968.4922, 2544.2968.6922