Sia 7241 Diamond Siacarbon 6 Inch HnL Discs Grits 240 - 500 Grit

7241 Diamond carbon 6 Inch HnL Discs Grits 240 -  500 Grit by Sia
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Sia 7241 Diamond Siacarbon 6 Inch Hook n Loop Discs Grits 240 - 500

  • The harder the material being worked on, the more efficient the diamond grain technology becomes
  • Unique 6 Inch Diamond Discs
  • Box of 10

Sia 7241 Siacarbon Diamond Discs

Siacarbon Comparison Test

Available Grits

  • 240
  • 320
  • 500

The measurable time-saving saves you money

Extremely fast sanding of hard surfaces thanks to state-of-the-art diamond technology. Less work interruptions due to optimisation of the sanding and work processes. The discs can be quickly and easily positioned. Cleaning and finishing work is avoided, which also noticeably minimises costs and the time required.

The significantly reduced material expenditure

Material consumption is considerably reduced as a result of the extremely long lifetimes without clogging. Much less abrasive is required.

The sensational sanding finish

The form and structure of the siacarbon abrasive enable a sensational sanding finish and the best scratch depth values. Minimal risk of sanding through on edges, and a pleasant sanding feel. Dust is extracted over the entire surface. This results in improved work conditions and considerably higher safety in the process.

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