Tec Xtra Flex Premium Acrylic Latex Mortar Additive

Tec Xtra Flex Premium Acrylic Latex Mortar Additive
- XtraFlex Premium Acrylic Latex Mortar Additive
- Use with Tec unmodified thin set or specialty mortars
- 100 percent acrylic polymer
XtraFlex Premium Acrylic Latex Mortar Additive
- Specifically formulated for use in place of water in Tec brand unmodified thin set to provide enhanced performance characteristics
- Also highly recommended as an admixture for scratch and brown coats
- 100% acrylic polymer
- Highest polymer solids for increased flexibility
- Absorbs 1/16" (1.6 mm) in-plane movement
- Best for porcelain tile
- Excellent for wet areas
- Strongest bonds to plywood
- Interior or exterior use
- Exceeds ANSI A118.4 and A118.11
- Rated for extra heavy commercial traffic
- Recommended as a mortar additive only - do not use as an admixture for cement grouts Mortar Coverage Calculator
- Latex modified mortars should not be used for installing green marble, other moisture-sensitive stone tile or resin-backed marble (use TEC AccuColor EFX Epoxy Grout and Mortar)
- 50 pounds of mortar takes 1.85 gallons of additive
- For mortar bed applications, 80 pounds of a 3:1 sand/portland mix takes 2.25 quarts of additive + 2.25 quarts of water
Available Sizes
- 1.85 Gallon Jug
- 5 Gallon Pail
- 50 Gallon Drum
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General shipping InformationKeywords: a118-11, a118-4, acrylic, additive, admixture, ansi, areas, brown, coats, commercial, exterior, flexibility, interior, latex, mortar, plywood, polymer, porcelain, premium, ta-872, tile, wet, xtraflex, adhesives sealers - cleaners, mortar additives adhesives sealers - cleaners, mortars - thinset, tec, Premium, Acrylic, Latex, Mortar, Additive, XtraFlex, unmodified, specialty, mortars, percent
Description: Tec Xtra Flex Premium Acrylic Latex Mortar Additive. XtraFlex Premium Acrylic Latex Mortar Additive. Use with Tec unmodified thin set or specialty mortars. 100 percent acrylic polymer.
Categories: Adhesives, Sealers & Cleaners > Mortar Additives; Adhesives, Sealers & Cleaners > Mortars - Thinset
Google Category: Hardware > Adhesives, Coatings & Sealants > Glues
SKU(s): 201981, 201982
MPN(s): TA-872