Carborundum Waterproof Half Sheets Fine Grits 1000 - 2000

Carborundum Waterproof Half Sheets Fine Grits 1000 - 2000
5-1/2" x 9" Waterproof MirrorFinish Half Sheets
Premium Red Zirconia Grain
Fine Grits on Lighter A-Weight Backing
Package of 50
5-1/2" x 9" Waterproof MirrorFinish Half Sheets
- Premium grain on a specially treated paper backing allows for a fast cut rate and uniform finish
- Both the bond and the backing are extremely flexible for easy folding and tearing either wet or dry
- Designed specifically for automotive finishes
- Ideal for water and color sanding
Available Grits
- 2000A
- 1500A
- 1200A
- 1000A
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 63869, 63870, 63871, 63872, dry, finish, inch, mirror, sanding, sheets, waterproof, wet, abrasives, sanding sheets, 9 x 5-1-2 inch sheets, carborundum abrasives, Carborundum, Waterproof, Sheets, Grits, MirrorFinish, Premium, Zirconia, Grain, Lighter, Weight, Backing, Package
Description: Carborundum Waterproof Half Sheets Fine Grits 1000 - 2000. 5-1/2" x 9" Waterproof MirrorFinish Half Sheets. Premium Red Zirconia Grain. Fine Grits on Lighter A-Weight Backing. Package of 50.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding Sheets > 9 x 5-1/2 Inch Sheets
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 201158, 201159, 201160, 201161
MPN(s): 63869, 63870, 63871, 63872