Norton AVOS SpeedLok BearTex Grinding Disc 5 Inch Grits 24 - 80

Norton AVOS SpeedLok BearTex Grinding Disc 5 Inch Grits 24 - 80
5 Inch AVOS SpeedLok Bear-Tex Grinding Disc
Grits for paint preparation, cleaning, rust removal, or deburring
AVOS design provides view of grinding surface
Package of 10
AVOS (Allows View of Surface) Design
- Unique shape and hole placement that makes the grinding surface visible during spinning
- Allows for greater air flow for 25 percent cooler cutting
- SpeedLok attachment provides quick change and less downtime;Bear-Tex Grits Features
- Fine - removes 180-320 grit grindlines and is excellent for paint preparation
- Medium - removes 120-180 grit grindlines and is excellent for cleaning and rust removal
- Coarse - removes 60-120 grit grindlines and is excellent for deburring
Available Grits
- Coarse
- Medium
- Fine
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 09427, 09428, 09429, 66261009429, alumina, avos, bear-tex, carborundum, discs, fiber, fibre, grain, grinding, holes, inch, mercer, mirka, norton, speedlok, view, zirconia, abrasives, sanding - grinding discs, locking discs, 5 inch, norton abrasives, Norton, SpeedLok, BearTex, Grinding, Grits, paint, preparation, cleaning, removal, deburring, design, provides, surface, Package
Description: Norton AVOS SpeedLok BearTex Grinding Disc 5 Inch Grits 24 - 80. 5 Inch AVOS SpeedLok Bear-Tex Grinding Disc. Grits for paint preparation, cleaning, rust removal, or deburring. AVOS design provides view of grinding surface. Package of 10.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding & Grinding Discs > Locking Discs > 5 Inch
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 200407, 200408, 200409
MPN(s): 666233 74818, 666233 74819 , 666233 74824