Roberts 10-918 18 Inch Vinyl Tile Cutter

Roberts 10-918 18" Vinyl Tile Cutter
Cuts 18 inch tiles or 12 inch tiles diagonally
Moveable cutting guide
Cuts Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT)
- Moveable cutting guide for consistent and accurate repetitive cutting of Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT)
- Built-in casters for greater maneuverability and rubber feet for added stability
- Clearly marked/ measuring guide and 45° miter guide
- Includes durable nylon carrying case complete with two 5-1/2 in. x 7 in. pouches for smaller tools
- Cuts 18 in. tiles or 12 in. tiles diagonally
- Extended two-year warranty
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 10-918, cutter, floor, flooring, installation, roberts, tile, tool, tools, vct, vinyl, hand tools - equipment, laminate - vct tools, Roberts, Vinyl, Cutter, tiles, diagonally, Moveable, cutting, guide, Composition
Description: Roberts 10-918 18" Vinyl Tile Cutter. Cuts 18 inch tiles or 12 inch tiles diagonally. Moveable cutting guide. Cuts Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT).
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Laminate & VCT Tools
Google Category: Hardware > Tools
SKU(s): 173025
MPN(s): 10-918