Roberts 10-501 GT Knee Kicker Golden Touch Adjustable

This product has been replaced by the following product:
Roberts 10-410 Knee Kicker Economy Adjustable

Roberts 10-410 Knee Kicker Economy Adjustable
- Double locking pins to easily adjust length from 19 in. to 23 in.
- Extra heavy aluminum casting and industrial grade steel provide rugged strength
- High contour neck for use over stretcher head and poles
Roberts 10-501 GT Knee Kicker Golden Touch Adjustable
- Easy one button adjustments from 18-7/8 in. to 24 in. lengths
- Extra wide head for improved load distribution
- High contour neck for use over stretcher head and poles
- Center grooved head for adjusting power stretcher head
- Easy to read, easy to adjust pin depth dial
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 10-501, roberts, 10-410, knee, kicker, knee-kicker, carpet, deluxe, golden, stretching, tool, touch, hand tools - equipment, carpet tools, knee kickers, Roberts, Kicker, Golden, Touch, Adjustable, button, adjustments, lengths, Extra, improved, distribution, contour, stretcher, poles, Center, grooved, adjusting, power, adjust, depth
Description: Roberts 10-501 GT Knee Kicker Golden Touch Adjustable. Easy one button adjustments from 18-7/8 in. to 24 in. lengths. Extra wide head for improved load distribution. High contour neck for use over stretcher head and poles. Center grooved head for adjusting power stretcher head. Easy to read, easy to adjust pin depth dial.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Carpet Tools > Knee Kickers
Google Category: Hardware > Tools
SKU(s): 172959
MPN(s): 10-501