Mercer Hog Ultra High Speed Floor Maintenance Pad

Mercer Hog Ultra High Speed Floor Maintenance Pad 1 Inch Thick each
Floor Maintenance Pads 1000 - 2500 RPM
Available in 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 inch diameters
Made in the USA
Package of 1 Hog Pad
Unlike thin, cheap knockoffs, all pads are a full 1 inch thick!
Made from synthetic and natural hair fibers, Mercer's Ultra High Speed Floor Maintenance Pads will enhance that bright and shiny floor finish that maintenance professionals demand. Available in seven diameters and three color-coded grades. All pads feature an optional knockout center piece.
Pad Color Recommended Use Rose (S) "Top-shine" burnishing pad/multi-purpose burnishing for all finishes. Aquamarine (A) "Wet-look" shine on soft to medium hardness finishes. The Hog (N) Synthetic and natural hair fibers-extra aggressive-quickly removes scratches and marks. Features:
- Assorted grains for specific uses.
- Double sided.
- Synthetic and natural hair fibers.
- Fibers and abrasives are related to aggressiveness required.
- Long lasting.
- Extra strength in burnishing for a more dramatic and lasting shine.
- Both sides have equal effectiveness.
- Maintaining hardwood floors
- Maintaining commercial floors
- Concrete floors
- Ceramic tile
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General shipping InformationKeywords: buffing, ceramic, commercial, concrete, disc, discs, floor, hardwood, high, hog, hole, inch, maintain, maintenance, mercer, pad, polishing, speed, thick, tile, ultra, wood, abrasives, scuffing pads - compounds, mercer abrasives, Mercer, Ultra, Speed, Floor, Maintenance, Thick, Available, diameters, Package
Description: Mercer Hog Ultra High Speed Floor Maintenance Pad 1 Inch Thick each. Floor Maintenance Pads 1000 - 2500 RPM. Available in 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 inch diameters. Made in the USA. Package of 1 Hog Pad.
Categories: Abrasives > Scuffing Pads & Compounds > Discs
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 178793, 178796, 178799, 178802, 178805, 178808, 178811
MPN(s): 45015N, 45016N, 45017N, 45018N, 45019N, 45020N, 45021N