Pro 32 x 60 Inch Center Drain Shower Pan for Shower Systems

Pro Sloped Shower Pan for Tile Shower Systems, Foam shower pan.
A complete, easy to install Foam Shower Pan.
Waterproof Shower Pan
for maintenance-free waterproofed tiled showers.
This shower pan may be used with modified or unmodified thinset waterproofing membranes such as PSC WP, etc.
Pro Sloped Pan for Shower Systems
- Prefabricated sloped pan eliminates mortar bed, reducing weight and installation time.
- System includes ready-to-install pre-cut sloped pan.
- Pan is pre-sloped for optimal drainage.
- System may use modified thinset for better adhesion and to help eliminate failure possibilities.
- Package includes one 32" x 60" Shower Pan.
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General shipping InformationKeywords: foam shower pan, barrier, ceramic, custom, drain, kerdi, kerdi-shower-st, durabase, psc, kit, moisture, pro, schluter, shower, showers, sloped, systems, tile, tray, waterproof, 32x60, 32 x 60, psc america root, shower pans shower waterproofing systems, shower pans, pro-source center, Sloped, Shower, Systems, complete, install, Waterproof, maintenance, waterproofed, tiled, modified, unmodified, thinset, waterproofing, membranes
Description: Pro Sloped Shower Pan for Tile Shower Systems, Foam shower pan.. A complete, easy to install Foam Shower Pan. Waterproof Shower Pan. for maintenance-free waterproofed tiled showers. This shower pan may be used with modified or unmodified thinset waterproofing membranes such as PSC WP, etc.
Categories: Shower Waterproofing Systems > Shower Pans
Google Category: Hardware > Plumbing > Plumbing Fixtures > Shower > Shower Bases
SKU(s): 268431
MPN(s): TT81113PAN02