Rubi Weight Set for Rubilim-N

Rubi Weight Set for Rubilim-N
- Two Weights of 13 kg in Total
- Adaptable to Rubilim-40-N/ND/NS/NDS and Rubilim 50-N/ND/NS/NDS
- Indispensable to Polish with Rubilim-N Line
- Quantity: 1
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General shipping InformationKeywords: polish, rubi, power tools, accessories, sander accessories, floor sander accessories, Weight, Rubilim, Weights, Total, Adaptable, Indispensable, Polish, Quantity
Description: Rubi Weight Set for Rubilim-N. Two Weights of 13 kg in Total. Adaptable to Rubilim-40-N/ND/NS/NDS and Rubilim 50-N/ND/NS/NDS. Indispensable to Polish with Rubilim-N Line. Quantity: 1.
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Sander Accessories > Floor Sander Accessories
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Polishers & Buffers
SKU(s): 261511
MPN(s): 61969