Rubi Anti Bloom Kit

Rubi Anti Bloom Kit
- Combination of Cleaner and Protector
- Suitable for All Porous Floors
- The Cleaner Removes White Stains of the Salts
- The Protector Prevents Salts from Coming to Surface
- Quantity: 1
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General shipping InformationKeywords: clean, protect, remove, hand tools - equipment, tile tools, cleaning - protection compounds, rubi, Bloom, Combination, Cleaner, Protector, Suitable, Porous, Floors, Removes, White, Stains, Salts, Prevents, Coming, Surface, Quantity
Description: Rubi Anti Bloom Kit . Combination of Cleaner and Protector. Suitable for All Porous Floors. The Cleaner Removes White Stains of the Salts. The Protector Prevents Salts from Coming to Surface. Quantity: 1.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Tile Tools > Cleaning & Protection Compounds
Google Category: Hardware > Hardware Accessories
SKU(s): 261416
MPN(s): 20970