Rubi New Cobble Texture Mat

Rubi New Cobble Texture Mat
- Rubi Mats are Tools Designed for Transferring a Three Dimensional Shape to Decorative Concrete
- The Different Texture and Patterns of Rubi Mats can be Combined with the Different Colors and Tones of Concrete
- Dimensions: 26" x 19"
- Quantity : 1
Available Options
Name Reference Weight NEW COBBLE TEXTURE MAT 84930 7.9 Lb NEW COBBLE FLEXIBLE TEXTURE MAT 84938 3.5 Lb
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General shipping InformationKeywords: texture, mat, cobble concrete, hand tools - equipment, texture mats, rubi, Cobble, Texture, Tools, Designed, Transferring, Three, Dimensional, Shape, Decorative, Concrete, Different, Patterns, Combined, Colors, Tones, Dimensions, Quantity
Description: Rubi New Cobble Texture Mat . Rubi Mats are Tools Designed for Transferring a Three Dimensional Shape to Decorative Concrete. The Different Texture and Patterns of Rubi Mats can be Combined with the Different Colors and Tones of Concrete. Dimensions: 26" x 19". Quantity : 1.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Texture Mats
Google Category: Hardware > Building Materials > Bricks, Stones & Concrete
SKU(s): 261270, 261278
MPN(s): 84930, 84938