Rubi Chisels

Rubi Chisels
- For Joint Marking after the Engraved Concrete is Molded
- For Finishing Irregular Joints
- Made of Aluminum
- Quantity: 1
Available Options
Name Reference Weight FLAT CHISEL 1 31/32" (5 cm.) - 21 Oz. (600 gr.) 83952 1.3 Lb GAUGING CHISEL 1 31/32" (5 cm.) - GAUGE 83953 -- ALUMINIUM CHISEL 4" (10 cm.) - 26 Oz. (725 gr.) 83963 1.6 Lb CONCAVE CHISEL 4" (10 cm.) 83966 --
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General shipping InformationKeywords: joint, chisel, concrete, hand tools - equipment, chisels, rubi, Chisels, Joint, Marking, after, Engraved, Concrete, Molded, Finishing, Irregular, Joints, Aluminum, Quantity
Description: Rubi Chisels . For Joint Marking after the Engraved Concrete is Molded. For Finishing Irregular Joints. Made of Aluminum. Quantity: 1.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Chisels
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Carving Tools > Chisels
SKU(s): 261249, 261250, 261251, 261252
MPN(s): 83952, 83953, 83963, 83966