Rubi Black Mallet Flat and Spherical Surface

Rubi Black Mallet Flat and Spherical Surface
- Non-Marking Black Rubber Mallet
- Allows to Strike at an Angle
- Has Two Flat Ends
- Quantity: 1
Available Options
Name Reference BLACK RUBBER ROUND HAMMER 8.8 oz. (250 gr.) 66908 BLACK RUBBER ROUND HAMMER 17.6 oz. (500 gr.) 66909 BLACK RUBBER ROUND HAMMER 26.4 oz. (750 gr.) 66910
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General shipping InformationKeywords: hammer, mallet, flat, hand tools - equipment, mallets and hammers, rubi, Black, Mallet, Spherical, Surface, Marking, Rubber, Allows, Strike, Angle, Quantity
Description: Rubi Black Mallet Flat and Spherical Surface. Non-Marking Black Rubber Mallet. Allows to Strike at an Angle. Has Two Flat Ends. Quantity: 1.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Mallets and Hammers
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Hammering > Hammers > Mallets
SKU(s): 260985, 260986, 260987
MPN(s): 66908, 66909, 66910