Rubi Rule Support Nails

Rubi Rule Support Nails
- Allow the Firm Fix of the Rulers on the Walls
- Allowing a Comfortable Placement of Tiles
- Available in Octagon or Subjection
- Available in 8", 10" or 12"
- Quantity: 1
Available Options
Name Reference OCTOGONAL RULE SUPPORT NAIL 8" (200 mm.) 72926 OCTOGONAL RULE SUPPORT NAIL 10" (250 mm.) 72927 OCTOGONAL RULE SUPPORT NAIL 12" (300 mm.) 72928 RULE SUBJECTION NAIL 8" (200 mm.) 72940 RULE SUBJECTION NAIL 10" (250 mm.) 72941 RULE SUBJECTION NAIL 12" (300 mm.) 72942
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General shipping InformationKeywords: support, ruler, tile, hand tools - equipment, leveling and measuring, rubi, Support, Nails, Allow, Rulers, Walls, Allowing, Comfortable, Placement, Tiles, Available, Octagon, Subjection, Quantity
Description: Rubi Rule Support Nails. Allow the Firm Fix of the Rulers on the Walls. Allowing a Comfortable Placement of Tiles. Available in Octagon or Subjection. Available in 8", 10" or 12". Quantity: 1.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Leveling and Measuring
Google Category: Hardware > Hardware Accessories > Nails
SKU(s): 260951, 260952, 260953, 260954, 260955, 260956
MPN(s): 72926, 72927, 72928, 72940, 72941, 72942