Rubi Finishing Trowels and Jagged Trowels with Open Plastic Handle

Rubi Finishing Trowels and Jagged Trowels with Open Plastic Handle
- Steel Plate with High Resistance to Abrasion
- Handle Welded to the Plate
- Plates Highly Resistant to Wear
- Quantity: 1
Available Options
Name Reference STEEL TROWEL 12" (30 cm.) 65955 11" (28 cm.) JAGGED TROWEL 1/8"x1/8"(3x3 mm.) 65999 JAGGED TROWEL 11" (28 cm.) 3/16"x3/16" (4.5x4.5 mm.) 74977 11" (28 cm.) JAGGED TROWEL 1/4"x1/4"(6x6 mm.) 65991 11" (28 cm.) JAGGED TROWEL 3/8"x3/8"(8x8mm) 65992 11" (28 cm.) JAGGED TROWEL 1/2"x1/2"(10x10 mm.) 65993 JAGGED TROWEL 11" (28 cm.) 1/2"x1/2" (12x12 mm.) 74979 11" (28 cm.) JAGGED TROWEL R-1/2" (10 mm.) 65994 11" (28 cm.) JAGGED TROWEL 1/4"x7/32"(6x5mm.) TRIAN. 70908
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General shipping InformationKeywords: steel, abrasion, hand tools - equipment, trowels, finishing trowels hand tools - equipment, notched trowels, rubi, Finishing, Trowels, Jagged, Plastic, Handle, Steel, Plate, Resistance, Abrasion, Welded, Plates, Highly, Resistant, Quantity
Description: Rubi Finishing Trowels and Jagged Trowels with Open Plastic Handle. Steel Plate with High Resistance to Abrasion. Handle Welded to the Plate. Plates Highly Resistant to Wear. Quantity: 1.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Trowels > Finishing Trowels; Hand Tools & Equipment > Trowels > Notched Trowels
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Masonry Tools > Masonry Trowels
SKU(s): 260745, 260746, 260747, 260748, 260749, 260750, 260751, 260752, 260753
MPN(s): 65955, 65991, 65992, 65993, 65994, 65999, 70908, 74977, 74979