Rubi Diamond Disc for Cured Concrete Wet Cutting

Rubi Diamond Disc for Cured Concrete Wet Cutting
- Laser Welded Discs - Both Faces
- Tempered and Rectified Steel Core
- Core Tension Specifically for Asphalt, Fresh Concrete and Cured Concrete
- Diamond Height: 13/32"
- Quantity: 1
Available Options
Name Reference Inside Diameter Outside Diameter SJA-350 31995 14 " 1 " SJA-400 31996 16 " 1 " SJA-450 31997 18 " 1 "
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General shipping InformationKeywords: disc, diamond, concrete, wet, power tools, blades, circular saw blades, rubi, Diamond, Cured, Concrete, Cutting, Laser, Welded, Discs, Faces, Tempered, Rectified, Steel, Tension, Specifically, Asphalt, Fresh, Height, Quantity
Description: Rubi Diamond Disc for Cured Concrete Wet Cutting. Laser Welded Discs - Both Faces. Tempered and Rectified Steel Core. Core Tension Specifically for Asphalt, Fresh Concrete and Cured Concrete. Diamond Height: 13/32". Quantity: 1.
Categories: Power Tools > Blades > Circular Saw Blades
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories
SKU(s): 260453, 260454, 260455
MPN(s): 31995, 31996, 31997