Rubi Extension Cords

Rubi Extension Cords
- Flexible PVC Cable 25m 3x1
- 3500W With Thermal Circuit Breaker
- 4 Sockets type Schuko
- Quantity: 1
Extension Cord Options
Name Reference Power Supply EXTENSION REEL EC1 82 ft. (25 m.) /13,9A PLUS 83991 EC-1 25 M./13.9 A. PLUS EXTENSION REEL EC2 164 ft. (50 m.) /13,9A PLUS 83949 N/A CABLE COILER EC-3 71919 N/A Cable Coiler EC-3
71919Extension Reel EC2 164 ft.
83949Extension Reel EC1 82 ft.
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General shipping InformationKeywords: flexible pvc cable, reel, electric cutting, mitring saw, power tools, jobsite tools, cords - cables, rubi, Extension, Cords, Flexible, Cable, 3500W, Thermal, Circuit, Breaker, Sockets, Schuko, Quantity
Description: Rubi Extension Cords . Flexible PVC Cable 25m 3x1. 3500W With Thermal Circuit Breaker. 4 Sockets type Schuko. Quantity: 1.
Categories: Power Tools > Jobsite Tools > Cords & Cables
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Saws
SKU(s): 260357, 260358, 260359
MPN(s): 71919, 83949, 83991