Rubi Ceramic Fixing 51911

Rubi Ceramic Fixing 51911
- Allows the Fixing of Ceramic and Perfect Measurement
- Ensures a Perfect Finish with No Errors in Dimensions
- Fit for: DS-250 1000, DS-300 1000, DX-350 1000
- Quantity: 1
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General shipping InformationKeywords: electric saw, ceramic, hand tools - equipment, leveling and measuring, rubi, Ceramic, Fixing, 51911, Allows, Perfect, Measurement, Ensures, Finish, Errors, Dimensions, Quantity
Description: Rubi Ceramic Fixing 51911. Allows the Fixing of Ceramic and Perfect Measurement. Ensures a Perfect Finish with No Errors in Dimensions. Fit for: DS-250 1000, DS-300 1000, DX-350 1000. Quantity: 1.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Leveling and Measuring
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Saws
SKU(s): 260344
MPN(s): 51911