Dremel 560 Drywall Cutting Bit

Dremel 560 Drywall Cutting Bit
- A high-speed cutter with a 1/8" steel shank
- Makes fast clean cuts in drywall
- Piloted tip to cut around outlet and switch boxes
Dremel 560 Drywall Cutting Bit
- Ideal for cutting drywall for electrical boxes, air vents and other wall features
- Start at a 45-degree angle when cutting into a piece of material
- Move in a counter-clockwise direction when cutting with drywall bits
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General shipping InformationKeywords: dremel, bosch, grind, cut, rotary, tool, router, routing, grinding, wheel, power tools, accessories, multi-purpose tool accessories, dremel rotary, cutting - routing bits, Dremel, Drywall, Cutting, speed, cutter, steel, shank, Makes, clean, drywall, Piloted, around, outlet, switch, boxes
Description: Dremel 560 Drywall Cutting Bit . A high-speed cutter with a 1/8" steel shank. Makes fast clean cuts in drywall. Piloted tip to cut around outlet and switch boxes.
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Multi-Purpose Tool Accessories > Dremel Rotary > Cutting & Routing Bits
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories
SKU(s): 254336
MPN(s): 560