Dremel 414 Felt Polishing Wheel 1/2 Inch Pack of 6

Dremel 414 Felt Polishing Wheel 1/2 Inch -- Pack of 6
- Made to take a semi-rough finish and polish it to a smooth finish
- Ideal for polishing metals and plastics
- Pack of 6
Dremel 414 Felt Polishing Wheel 1/2 Inch -- Pack of 6
- Using polishing compound No. 421 with wheels produces a high luster
- Ideal for general polishing of most ferrous metals, stones, glass and ceramics
- Use with Mandrel 401
- A felt accessory continually renews its own surface while being used
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General shipping InformationKeywords: bosch, cutting, sanding, grinding, sharpening, multipurpose, planer, power tools, accessories, multi-purpose tool accessories, dremel rotary, polishing, dremel, Dremel, Polishing, Wheel, rough, finish, polish, smooth, Ideal, metals, plastics
Description: Dremel 414 Felt Polishing Wheel 1/2 Inch -- Pack of 6. Made to take a semi-rough finish and polish it to a smooth finish. Ideal for polishing metals and plastics. Pack of 6.
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Multi-Purpose Tool Accessories > Dremel Rotary > Polishing
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories
SKU(s): 254285
MPN(s): 414