Sia 2936 Siatur JJ Cloth 26 Inch 50 Yard Roll Grits 120 & 180

Sia 2936 26" Siatur JJ Wood Sanding Cloth 50 Yard Roll
26" Cloth Roll
Sanding on hard and soft woods as well as wood related products
50 Yard Roll
Sia 2936 26" Siatur JJ Wood Sanding Cloth 50 Yard Roll
- Very flexible JJ-cloth backing
- Highly suitable for profile sanding applications
- Very good and consistent performance
- Aluminum oxide grain
Available Grits
- 120
- 180
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 120, 180, 2936, 4484-1706-0120, 4484-1706-0180, abrasives, carborundum, cloth, gold, grits, inch, mercer, mirka, norton, roll, rolls, sheets, sia, siatur, wide, yard, sanding sheet rolls, 20- inch wide, Siatur, Sanding, Cloth, woods, related, products
Description: Sia 2936 26" Siatur JJ Wood Sanding Cloth 50 Yard Roll. 26" Cloth Roll. Sanding on hard and soft woods as well as wood related products. 50 Yard Roll.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding Sheet Rolls > 20+ Inch Wide
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 245753, 245754
MPN(s): 4484.1706.0120, 4484.1706.0180