Sia 1913 Siawat FC Waterproof 12 Inch 50 Yard Roll 1200 Grit

Sia 1913 Siawat FC Fine Waterproof 12" x 50yd Paper Sheet Roll 1200 Grit
Aluminum Oxide 1200 grit grain
C-weight paper backing
50 Yard Roll
Made in Switzerland
Sia 1913 Siawat FC Fine Waterproof 12" x 50yd Paper Sheet Roll 1200 Grit
- Hand sanding on filler, primer and paint
- Product can be used wet or dry
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 1200, 1913, 5764-2390-1200, abrasives, carborundum, gold, grit, inch, mercer, mirka, norton, roll, rolls, sheets, sia, siawat, waterproof, yard, sanding sheet rolls, 12 inch wide, Siawat, Waterproof, Paper, Sheet, Aluminum, Oxide, grain, weight, paper, backing, Switzerland
Description: Sia 1913 Siawat FC Fine Waterproof 12" x 50yd Paper Sheet Roll 1200 Grit. Aluminum Oxide 1200 grit grain. C-weight paper backing. 50 Yard Roll. Made in Switzerland.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding Sheet Rolls > 12 Inch Wide
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 245613
MPN(s): 5764.2390.1200