QEP Suspend It Grid Hole Punch

QEP Suspend-It Grid Hole Punch
For punching holes in main tees for hanger wire attachment
For punching pilot holes in wall angle, main tees or cross tees that need to be secured with rivets
Punches 1/8" holes
QEP Suspend-It Grid Hole Punch
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 228098, 8866, ceiling, grid, hole, punch, qep, suspend, suspension, tools, hand tools - equipment, ceiling suspension, Suspend, Punch, punching, holes, hanger, attachment, pilot, angle, cross, secured, rivets, Punches
Description: QEP Suspend-It Grid Hole Punch. For punching holes in main tees for hanger wire attachment. For punching pilot holes in wall angle, main tees or cross tees that need to be secured with rivets. Punches 1/8" holes. QEP Suspend-It Grid Hole Punch.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Ceiling Suspension
Google Category: Hardware > Tools
SKU(s): 228098
MPN(s): 8866