QEP Suspend It Wire Fastening Nail Hooks

QEP Suspend-It Wire-Fastening Nail Hooks
Attaches ceiling hanger wire to wood
Hammer application
Hooked nails
20 pack
20 pack - QEP Suspend-It Wire-Fastening Nail Hooks
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 228087, 8855, ceiling, fastening, hooks, nail, qep, suspend, suspension, tools, wire, hand tools - equipment, ceiling suspension, Suspend, Fastening, Hooks, Attaches, hanger, Hammer, application, Hooked, nails
Description: QEP Suspend-It Wire-Fastening Nail Hooks. Attaches ceiling hanger wire to wood. Hammer application. Hooked nails. 20 pack. 20 pack - QEP Suspend-It Wire-Fastening Nail Hooks.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Ceiling Suspension
Google Category: Hardware > Tools
SKU(s): 228087
MPN(s): 8855